Clermont County Genealogical Society Logo Clermont County Genealogical Society
Family Notebooks & Files Collections
The Location - Library - is the Batavia Branch of the Clermont County Public Library.
The Subject - Family History - can be found in the Family Notebooks Collection, arranged on the shelves alphabetically by the primary surname. The Family History Call Number, 929.2, is followed by the first three letters of the primary surname. If only one letter is displayed, the title can be found in a notebook containing several surnames beginning with that letter.
The Subject - Family Research - can be found in the Family Files Collection, arranged in the file cabinets alphabetically by the title written on the folder. There is no Call Nunber associated with this collection.
Tips for Searching
You may search keywords by Title, Author, Call Number, Description, Surname, Place, or All Listed Fields.
The Surname field also contains alternate spellings of the primary surname.
The Description field contains secondary surnames.
The Place field contains geographic locations such as towns, counties, states, and countries of ancestors or descendants.
Begin your search by clicking "Library" below.
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Clermont County Main Online Catalog
Note: More recently acquired and published Family Histories may be found with the majority of the holdings by searching the Clermont County Public Library's online catalog