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Medaris Family Cemetery
(Pierce Twp.)
Off Nine Mile (close to Bradbury)
Cincinnati, OH 45245 USA
Directions:  Take St. Rt. 125 from Beechmont.  After the St. Rt. 275 exchange the next road on the right will be Nine Mile/Tobasco Road.  Turn Right.  You will pass Davis Road on right.  Continue until you come upon Bradbury which forks off of Nine Mile on the left.  Turn on Bradbury.  The cemetery is in the woods to the right- up a little from Slaven Road- probably about a mile up the hill. We followed the small creek that feeds into the larger one along Bradbury up the hill then ventured to the left.  Look at the maps carefully and see if you can bring a GPS.
Pictures were taken by Pamela Smith, CCGS volunteer, in June, 2008 and guided by Brian St. Clair from Pierce Township.  Many thanks to Brian St. Clair, who resides on Slaven Road off Bradbury, for volunteering his time and energy, to take me to this hidden cemetery.  I would have never found it without him.  He even helped probe and dig for the CCGS.  We found all the stones that were previously recorded and there definitely are a lot of footstones with no markings.
Medaris Family Cemetery Photo