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Greenmound Cemetery
(Ohio Twp.)
Greenmound Cemetery Road
New Richmond, OH 45157 USA
Directions:  Take St. Rt. 52 east from Cincinnati.  Turn left on Bethel New Richmond Road.  Right away: Turn right on Greenmound Cemetery Road.  Cemetery is on left at dead end of street.  Drive up the hill to the very top.  Good parking. 
Cemetery pictures and additional inscriptions were recorded by Pamela Smith summer of 2010.  Vera Quehl and Debra Thomason assisted for one very hot day in the older section to help pull up a few large stones.  I believe there are still a lot buried, but the heat and drought prohibited me from searching as much as I would have liked.  Everyone should drive up to the top – drive on the gravel-grass way – park and walk to the flag pole – the view is just wonderful.
Greenmound Cemetery Photo